So, what have I learnt from going to Antarctica?

Jun 19, 2024

It has now been over six months since my Antarctica voyage.

I am still finding it hard to put into words what this voyage was about and what it has ignited in me on so many levels.

In summary, I went to Antarctica on a 19 day voyage with 88 Women in STEMM with Homeward Bound leadership initiative. This was the last part of a year long program focused on developing women in leadership, visibility, wellbeing and the ability to have a voice around climate change around the world.

I think it will be quite a while for me to process all of this and what I have gained.
Here is just a few that come to mind now:

🌳 When you have a network around you, you can do great things. Having conversations with the other 88 women on the ship from 19 countries was just so stimulating. I never realised how important it is being very considered about the people you surround yourself with.
🌳 I am learning and gaining so much now (in the What’s app group) since being off the ship with the sharing of amazing documents and links to research, papers, latest thinking about environmental change and hearing how they are integrating back into life after the voyage. I have a brain trust on tap now!
🌳 I now have such a huge appreciation for our planet and I want to do all I can to save it. Actually, being in Antarctica and seeing its beauty and pristine qualities certainly have had a lasting “awe” effect on me!
🌳 Antarctica is fragile and its weather systems link to the rest of the world. If it melts even in just the slightest way it will have a devastating impact on many countries.
🌳 This connection and sense of belonging to a group of diverse, intelligent, creative women who are leaders of their field (we had the first female commercial pilot from France, an astronaut, a 2021 nominated young Australian of the year, climate change scientists, former vice president of Columbia to name a few) makes me feel like anything is possible. We all need this type of support network to thrive!

I could go on. In time more learnings will emerge. To my fellow sisters thank you for such an amazing experience that has been life changing! 🙏

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