Are you a woman leader in STEMM who wants to have more effective conversations to bring out the best in you and your people?

Better Conversations, powerful results - fast.


Build stronger, more effective relationships through empathy, active listening, and thoughtful questioning.


My Solution Focus Foundations Program allows you to quickly engage, connect, inspire and make a difference in the people you work with (and even your family).

During these four online modules, you will be  guided through real work scenarios, using powerful coaching skills to help you as you lead dynamic teams, now and into the future.

Register to the Solution Focus Coaching Program Now

This highly practical program includes ‘Coaching as a way of being’ to support respectful, inclusive teamwork and improve organisational culture.

My transparent and practical process allows leaders and professionals to practice their new skills straight away, and have the confidence to begin coaching the very next day.

After workshop support is a key part of the program to ensure your success.

This includes:

  • Check-in sessions to provide ongoing support to help learning stick
  • Coaching circles to work with other participants to share learnings and practice new skills
  • Review session to determine the impact of the program

Important benefits to your
leadership include

  • * Learn to increase and celebrate diversity
  • * Improve the conversation to get the outcomes you and others want
  • * Develop confidence to step up and speak out
  • * Learn how to collaborate in the most respectful and effective way
  • * Have the flexibility to navigate complex change
  • * Create a more human-centric leadership style to support wellbeing

Using Solution-Focus Coaching Skills Enables You To:

  • * Have meaningful conversations that help support progress and create desired outcomes - both at work and home
  • * Improve emotional intelligence to navigate complex situations with ease and maintain composure under pressure
  • * Be able to consciously practise inclusion, encouraging innovation, skill diversity and creativity
  • * Foster a psychologically safe environment for everyone to be confident and proactive
  • * Create a commitment and personal action plan to take coaching forward.

What Clients Say


“Annette is hugely experienced, articulates things clearly without rushing, and enables people to ask questions. She respects everyone, and her delivery has the 'perfect' energy level.

Her expertise facilitates a variety of people and their learning styles. Her workshops incorporate frameworks, messages, and theories supported by statistics appropriate for that industry. They include activities, breakouts, questions, clarifications, and funny stories. I hope to collaborate on future workshops to further this work.”


- Kay Meynard, College of Leadership and Management at Engineers Australia

Still have questions?


Reach out to me today to discuss the program and the benefits for you, your team and your organisation.

Book a Discovery Call with Annette
If you would like to learn the Foundations skills of solution focused conversations my next program is happening soon


The next Foundations (formerly Leader as Coach) Online Program will be on:
  • Module 1 – Tuesday 4 March, 2025 – 9am to 12.30pm AEDT
  • Module 2 – Thursday 6 March, 2025 – 9am to 12.30pm AEDT
  • Module 3 – Tuesday 11 March, 2025 – 9am to 12.30pm AEDT
  • Module 4 – Thursday 13 March, 2025 – 9am to 12.30pm AEDT
Register using the button below.
Or if the above date does not work for you, we have more programs later in the year:


Register Now
Download a pdf of Foundations brochure

It was just so practical!

The Solution Focus Leader as a Coach program with Annette was one of the most outstanding programs I have ever attended. It was just so practical!
Head of Digital Engagement, Greenpeace Australia Pacific

I have become a lot more self-aware

This course was amazing for me, I am only new to the role of managing people so this was great to gain some clarity on the best approach for coaching. 
I have become a lot more self-aware and have realised I need to make a few changes first. Annette you are a gun!
Workshop Supervisor, Orange Hire

"Encourage your people to co-create solutions by
having better conversations"

Meet your facilitator Annette Gray

After 30 years of facilitating adult learning and over 24 years of coaching and mentoring, I know what works to lead with a positive impact.

The value of great leadership really became apparent to me when I worked for someone who I realised was the best role model of how to lead. By asking for and respecting input, by collaborating rather than directing, and by supporting not controlling, my strengths were acknowledged, nurtured and enhanced. I felt stretched, positively challenged and fulfilled – and I performed at my best.

Discovering the concept of ‘solution focus’ 14 years ago has had a strong influence on how I view the world, how I coach people and how I train people to be coach-like.

The essence is that for people to change, it’s not about understanding the problem they present with, it’s about finding out when the problem happens less, what it is they want instead of the problem, and what previous success they can draw on to deal with the problem. Talking about solutions helps to create solutions.

My passion is to continue to create great women leaders and mentors, who really know how to do their role well, which in turn will create thriving workplaces. I believe we’re in a time of real transition – hybrid working has been a gamechanger – and we need a different style of leadership for the future.

Progressive companies are realising that, to retain employees, they need to upskill their leaders (particularly women) and mentors. Now is the time to take the opportunity to do ‘work’ differently and create more human-centred and and respectful workplaces.

Foundations Program
FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions

Learn effective Coaching and Mentoring skills to take your leadership into the future.


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My emails will empower you with practical coaching and mentoring tips - tips that will allow you and your people to step up and shine